Hello to all comers (or cummers) and goers,
I am Zesty. Or you can me T.
[insert awkward hello wave]

I am here to display to all you wonderful people the aesthetics of my work.
I'm just kidding - it's not that pretty.
Here's the truth, yo. I make banners for Twilight fan fiction.
Don't like it? Don't judge, Grumpy McPrejudice!
Twilight fan fiction is what we wish our beloved characters would do. I like Twilight, but I love the fan fiction more. In this world we get to see the characters do things they haven't done (like having very hot, descriptive sex that makes you want to open a tab of porn so that you can get off, because the sexual frustration is just
too much), or go through things, like rites of passage, and just have something more real, that makes them human beings (known as All-Human "AH" fics) and more "relate-able."

Since I don't do any writing (that I post, anyway) I am here to make other people's works look presentable, pretty... basically put a cover on their books.
I like what I do. I'm just really beginning and I have a crappy and antediluvian version of Adobe Photoshop, it still works and basically has the same amenities as others, it's just... old.
So, would you like to know who and what I am?
I am a soon-to-be nineteen year old human female. I live in the Bay Area (aka San Francisco Bay) and I go to college. I am single. I am Brazilian. Umm... I like poetry and therefore I like to read. I like Twilight fan fiction (as stated and defended above). I am hardcore about Edward and Bella. I believe that canon (version from the book) Bella is a brat, and Edward is perfect.
I know men like
him doesn't exist, and I deal with the letdown as best as I can.
Why do I go by Zesty, or T? Because my real name is easily identifiable. People know I like Twilight (I have two posters in my room, a small one that a friend got for me, and a large poster that I got as a gag gift, it hangs behind my bedroom door), few know I read fan fiction. People IRL (in real life) think it's weird and are often judgmental about fan fiction (I know I was) but when I discovered this world of lemons (sex scenes) and angst, and love, and that
regular people write all this... I was blown away.
I was Magellan... I discovered a new world.
First FF (fan fiction) I read was vjgm's Boycotts and Barflies (it was taken down from FF sites because she made it into a
book and now it's published! Congrats!). I came across it when I was in a forum about the first Twilight movie. If you have done the math, or for those of you who don't even think about math, I have been reading fan fiction for almost two years. I started reading in September of 2008.
This has been a good introduction, no?
Thanks for reading. I hope you'll stick around!