Where are the banners, yo?So l recently I have finished three banners. These banners are made for upcoming projects. So, I'm waiting until the author of the fics announce that they are launched and posted under their pen panes, only then will I post the banners up here. There are two made.
The other banner is for a contest, I'm waiting to hear from the hosts that they are ready to start the contest, then I will post that banner on my site here too.
Where have you been?For those of you that are following me on Twitter and tweeting your support, thank you. Your support is indescribable. My mom was hospitalized a few days ago because she was almost on the brink of a diabetic coma, her blood sugar was
that high. It feels like the Earth has shattered, rumbled and gave way under my feet. My mom is my Rock of Gibraltar. Her health and happiness is paramount to me.

Ever since, I've been very shaken up, and we're trying to deal with my mom's new condition of Diabetes Type 2. We were fools to not have administered her blood sugar since she was diagnosed as pre-diabetic a few years ago, and now it escalated to
And... it's spring break. I go back to school next week.

Once again, that you for all your support, well wishes, and concern. It is truly
good - but that's not the right word - to have a support there for you, when in RL, that's hard to find - in my case.
So, I apologize in the mood swings while I'm going through this acceptance or whatever it is.

Much love,
Zesty T
PS. Of course I wouldn't post this without illustrations. ;]